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Universal gas analyzers Prompribor-R are used to control sulfur hexafluoride elegaz (SF6) in the premises of complete switchgears with gas insulation, in accordance with the "Rules of technical operation of power plants and networks." Continuous automatic measurement of the concentration of sulfur hexafluoride SF6 (Elegaz) in the premises of complete switchgears with elegaz insulation, closed switchgears signaling (light and sound) about exceeding the specified concentration levels. Data transfer to a PC.

Models of stationary gas analyzers: Sigma-03, Sigma-03M, Sigma-03 (Elegaz–SF6), Sigma-03 on 24V, Sigma-03.IPK-4.4, Sigma-03.IPK-8.4, Sigma-03.IPK-14.8, Sigma-03.IPK-14.8 RS485.


All Prompribor-R products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Prompribor-R: gas analyzers, sensors, probes, GPS modules, sensors, Bluetooth adapters
  • Gas analyzers of explosive vapors Prompribor-R
    Gas analyzers of explosive vapors
    Signal-4, Signal-4KM, etc.
  • Toxic gas analyzers Prompribor-R
    Toxic gas analyzers
    Signal-44 (O2/H2S/CO/EX), etc.
  • Universal gas analyzers Prompribor-R
    Universal gas analyzers
    Sigma-03, Sigma-03M, etc.
  • Sensors with a unified signal Prompribor-R
    Sensors with a unified signal
    Sigma-03.D, Sigma-03.DV , etc .
  • Sensors for gas analyzers Prompribor-R
    Sensors for gas analyzers
    TKS-1, PGS-1, OXIC-3, etc.
  • Accessories Prompribor-R
    GPS module, etc.

About Prompribor-R

The organization LLC "Prompribor-R" was established in 2007 with the aim of developing and manufacturing modern electronic equipment and measuring equipment and other high-tech products for industry. The main direction of our activity is the production of professional gas analytical equipment for monitoring the air of the working area, detecting leaks, measuring pre–explosive concentrations of combustible and toxic vapors in air and inert gas.
  • success

    The company's developments are successfully used at hazardous facilities in industry. The offered serial products have the appropriate certificates and permits.

    The company is accredited in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurement for the performance of works and the provision of services for the verification of measuring instruments.
  • Leadership

    Productive work, the need to solve many production tasks – brought the company among the leaders in the development and manufacture of measuring instruments.

Information Board Prompribor-R

Learn more about our products Prompribor-R.
  • Price list from directory Prompribor-R
    Price list
  • Product catalog brand Prompribor-R
    Product catalog
  • Questionnaire from manufacturer Prompribor-R


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